How do I cancel a trip?

You can cancel most trips yourself without contacting Leaxe. All cancellations are effective immediately. You can’t cancel a trip that’s in progress, and once you cancel, you’re no longer authorized to receive or drive the car.

What’s my refund for a canceled trip and when will I get it? 

The amount of your refund depends on when you cancel and the length of the trip. Your bank will take an additional 3–10 business days to process and return the funds to your account. If you don’t want to rebook and don’t want to wait 24 hours, you can opt for Leaxe to initiate the refund immediately.

Full refunds

We’ll refund you in full if you cancel during our Free cancellation period — 24 hours before your trip starts or one hour after booking if you booked less than 25 hours in advance. The cancellation period is based on the vehicle’s time zone. If you change your trip in any way, the free cancellation period remains tied to the original booking time. Message your host to let them know you’re canceling.

We will refund you in full if your host cancels your trip or fails to show up within 30 minutes of the trip’s start time. In some cases, Leaxe’s trust and safety team will cancel a booked trip. If that happens, we’ll contact you and issue a full refund. 

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